I went for coffee with my group on the 20th as a goodbye before most of them went off to a conference in America. Laura and Kevin our presenting their work!
As a last celebration most of the interns rented a room and had a Kareoke night! It was a ton of fun! We were all hoarse in the morning! The system we were using had a lot of Linkin Park and Brittany Spears : p.
It has been an amazing summer! I have seen so many sights in cities and the beautiful Irish country side. I think that this opportunity came at a good time in my life. I have learned a lot more about what it means to work in academia and live in a big city. I had the experience of meeting people from all over the world. It was a wonderful learning experience and I hope I can use it to help decide what I want from the future. All the same I can not wait to come home to California, to the sunshine, and all the people I love!